Watertown Area United Way kicks off 2023-24 campaign  (Audio)

August 31, 2023
Mike Tanner

WATERTOWN, S.D.–The Watertown Area United Way held their 2023-24 campaign kickoff last night at Montgomery’s Furniture.

The campaign hopes to raise $550,000 for 35 non-profit agencies in and around the Watertown area.

Ryan Remmers is the chairman of the organization’s board of directors. He says his work as Watertown’s assistant police chief has shown him how there’s a need in the community….

Laura Heathcote is the Watertown Area United Way Executive Director….

The chairman of this current campaign is Stuart Stein (pictured with wife Crystal) and his family. He talks about the theme of the campaign which is, “Be The Change”….

For more information on how to give to the United Way, go to their website watertownunitedway.org.