South Dakota law enforcement group unhappy with comments of Codington County Commissioner

March 4, 2024
Mike Tanner

WATERTOWN, S.D.–The South Dakota Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) has taken issue with comments made by Codington County Commissioner Charlie Waterman.

At a recent county commission meeting, Waterman said, “I’ve been told many, many times how dangerous is it to be a police officer, and when you look at the list of the most dangerous jobs in the country, farming is much more higher on the list than being a police officer.”

Commissioner Troy VanDusen, a former cop, responded by saying, “And how ironic that you would make that comment Commissioner Waterman, the same week we are burying one of our own.”

VanDusen was referencing the death of Moody County Chief Deputy Ken Prorock, who was run over by a fleeing suspect February 2nd while laying spike strips across a highway near Madison.

In a statement, the South Dakota FOP said, “while we appreciate the dangers our farmers and ranchers face, this was an unnecessary shot at law enforcement. Every day FOP members across the state, both on the street and in our jails and prisons, go toward danger risking their physical and mental health for their community.”