Public testimony begins over potential Ravnsborg impeachment  (Audio)

January 19, 2022

PIERRE, S.D.–The South Dakota House Select Committee on Investigation heard testimony for nearly five hours Tuesday from witnesses subpoenaed as the group looks into whether impeachment of Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg (pictured) is appropriate.

John Daily of Jackson Hole Scientific Investigations trained many of the law enforcement officers who investigated the fatal pedestrian crash the Attorney General was in that killed Joe Boever of Highmore in September of 2020. Daily independently reviewed the investigation and agreed with many of the findings….

South Dakota Highway Patrol Trooper John Berndt was trained by Daily in accident investigation and reconstructed the crash for the investigation…

Berndt’s reconstruction determined Ravnsborg carried Boever on his vehicle for a short distance before Boever entered the ditch…

The impact caused Boever’s glasses to be found both in the front and rear of Ravnsborg’s car, and severed Boever’s right leg.

The Select Committee on Investigation will meet for a second day of testimony this (Wednesday) afternoon.