May was drier, warmer than normal in Watertown

June 5, 2023
Mike Tanner

WATERTOWN, S.D.–Watertown’s weather statistics for the month of May are in, and they show the month was drier and warmer than average.

The average temperature for the month was 61.9 degrees, which was 6.2 degres above normal, making it the 8th warmest May on record.

The warmest day of the month was 88 degrees on May 30th.

The coolest temperature was reached on May 3rd at 31 degrees.

Twenty seven of the 31 days in May saw temperatures above normal.

Watertown saw just 1.47 inches of rain in May. That’s only 51 percent of normal, making it the 25th driest May on record.

The peak wind gust in Watertown in May was 45 miles per hour on the 1st.