GFP News for July 24, 2020
GFP Commission Finalizes River Otter Trapping Season
PIERRE, S.D. – The Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) Commission finalized their proposal to create a conservative trapping season for river otters. The season will be limited to portions of eastern South Dakota.
This limited trapping season will be open from sunrise on November 1 to sunset on December 31 in the following counties in eastern South Dakota: Aurora, Beadle, Bon Homme, Brookings, Brown, Charles Mix, Clark, Clay, Codington, Davison, Day, Deuel, Douglas, Grant, Hamlin, Hanson, Hutchinson, Jerauld, Kingsbury, Lake, Lincoln, Marshall, McCook, Miner, Minnehaha, Moody, Roberts, Sanborn, Spink, Turner, Union and Yankton.
Other rules include:
Limit of one river otter per trapper per season.
Harvest limit of 15 river otters. Season will end prior to December 31 if the harvest limit is reached.
Trapping season open to residents only, with a furbearer license.
A river otter shall be reported to the Department of Game, Fish and Parks within 24 hours of harvest. At the time of reporting, arrangements will be made to check in the carcass and detached pelt at a GFP office or designated location for registration and tagging of the pelt within 5 days of harvest. Additionally, once the season has closed (last day of season or harvest limit reached), a person has 24 hours to notify the department of a harvested river otter.
The pelt shall be removed from the carcass and the carcass shall be surrendered to the department. After the pelt has been tagged, it shall be returned to the trapper. Upon request, the carcass may be returned to the trapper after the carcass has been inspected and biological data collected.
Any river otter harvested after the 24-hour period following the close of the season will be considered incidental take and shall be surrendered to the department.
A person may only possess, purchase or sell raw river otter pelts that are tagged through the eyeholes with the tag provided by the department or if the river otter was harvested on tribal or trust land of an Indian reservation or another state and is properly and securely tagged with a tag supplied by the governmental entity issuing the license.
GFP Commission Finalizes Local Fee Exemption for Yankton Sioux Tribal Members, Families
PIERRE, S.D. – The Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) Commission, finalized a park entrance fee exemption in collaboration with the Yankton Sioux Tribe at their July meeting. The new rule will allow Yankton Sioux Tribal members and their families to access four park areas local to the Yankton Sioux Reservation without purchasing a park entrance license (PEL).
These areas include North Point Recreation Area, South Shore Lakeside Use Area, Randall Creek Recreation Area and the Spillway Lakeside Use Area.
GFP Commission Establishes Fees for Nonresident Landowner Deer and Antelope Licenses
PIERRE, S.D. – During the 2020 South Dakota Legislative Session, the legislature created a provision to allow for nonresident landowners to be eligible for west river deer and firearm antelope licenses for their own land. In response to this action, the Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) Commission finalized fees for these licenses at their July meeting.
This rule will set these licenses at one-half the fee of the deer or antelope license which has been applied for. With a fee structure of one-half, the cost would be $140 for an “any deer” license, $140 for an “any antelope” license, and $165 for an “any antelope + doe/kid” license.
GFP Commission Finalizes Fall Turkey Season
PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) Commission finalized their proposal to decrease the number of licenses available for the 2020 and 2021 fall turkey hunting seasons.
After receiving public comments, the Black Hills season will see a 50% reduction in tags with 100 resident and 8 nonresident, single-tag “any turkey” licenses. The prairie units will have 400 single-tag and 35 double-tag “any turkey” licenses for residents and 28 single and 3 double tag “any turkey” licenses available for nonresidents.
Gregory (Unit 30A), Mellette (50A) and Tripp (60A) counties will be closed for the fall turkey hunting season, with the opening of Bon Homme County (Unit 12A).
The seasons will run Nov. 1, 2020 – Jan. 31, 2021 and Nov. 1, 2021 – Jan 31, 2022.
GFP Commission Removes Lost License Fee
PIERRE, S.D. – The Game, Fish and Parks Commission removed the $20 administrative fee for lost or destroyed licenses, permits or game tags. However, the license agent’s fee established by SDCL 41-6-66.1 will still be charged by license agents and the department.
This change is a direct action to provide enhanced customer service. The replacement cost was inadvertently creating a barrier to participation in certain circumstances.
Authorized license agents and the department, as per SDCL 41-6-66.1, will charge a license agent’s fee of $4 for resident and $8 for nonresident licenses.
GFP Commission Proposes Rule to Increase New Duck Hunters
PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) Commission proposed an experimental 2-tiered duck regulation for the 2021-2024 seasons.
To increase participation in duck hunting, the proposal would allow two options for hunters to choose from.
Tier 1 is the current rules package. Hunters would follow the current daily bag limits with all species specific regulations. For example, 2019 regulations allowed six ducks total with no more than five mallards (two of which could be hens), three wood ducks, three scaup, two redheads, two canvasback or one teal.
Tier 2, also known as the “3-Splash rule,” would allow hunters a bag limit of three ducks of any species and sex.
The proposal is a joint experiment with the Central Flyway, United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission in an effort to simplify regulations and recruit more duck hunters.
“Duck hunters have been in steep decline across the country and South Dakota is no exception,” said GFP senior waterfowl biologist, Rocco Murano. “The ability to identify ducks in the air has been identified as a barrier to duck hunter recruitment, retention and re-activation. This experiment will hopefully give new or potential duck hunters the confidence to hunt and not worry about accidentally breaking any laws. At the same time, this structure allows experienced duck hunters the option to continue following more liberal daily bag limits and hunt as they always have.”
Commissions from both Nebraska and South Dakota will have to approve the experiment, which would begin in the 2021-22 duck hunting season and run for a minimum of 4 years.
Individuals can comment online at or mail comments to 523 E. Capitol Ave., Pierre, SD 57501.
To be included in the public record and to be considered by the commission, comments must include a full name and city of residence and meet the submission deadline of 72 hours before the public hearing (not including the day of the public hearing).
The next GFP Commission meeting will be held Sept. 2-3, tentatively at the Outdoor Campus West in Rapid City.
GFP Commission Proposes More Spring Turkey Licenses
PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) Commission proposed an increase of 140 licenses for the 2021 spring turkey hunting season.
The increase would come for the prairie units and be one of several changes that would increase turkey hunting opportunities in the state.
Other proposed changes include:
Add Clark County to Hamlin County unit.
Remove Douglas County from Charles Mix County unit.
Create Unit 10A that includes both Aurora and Douglas counties.
Add Buffalo County to Brule County unit.
Add Beadle and Hand counties to Jerauld County unit.
Increase the number of archery turkey access permits for Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve from 20 to 30.
Establish 20 mentored turkey access permits for Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve that would be limited to a bow or crossbow.
For Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve, allow for uncased bows and crossbows for a resident hunter who possesses a valid mentored spring turkey license and an access permit.
The proposed season dates for the 2021 spring turkey hunting seasons are:
Archery April 3 – May 31
Black Hills April 10 – May 31
Single-Season Prairie Units April 10 – May 31
Early Split season Units April 10 – April 30
Late Split Season Units May 1 – May 31
Black Hills late season May 1 – May 31
Individuals can comment online at or mail comments to 523 E. Capitol Ave., Pierre, SD 57501.
To be included in the public record and to be considered by the commission, comments must include a full name and city of residence and meet the submission deadline of 72 hours before the public hearing (not including the day of the public hearing).
The next GFP Commission meeting will be held Sept. 2-3, tentatively at the Outdoor Campus West in Rapid City.
GFP Commission Proposes Unrestricted Shooting Preserve Licenses
PIERRE, S.D. – In response to requests from shooting preserve operators, the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) Commission proposed to create an unrestricted license option, allowing for unlimited bag limits on shooting preserves who choose to offer this option to clients.
Hunters who desire to purchase the unrestricted license at a proposed fee of $150 would need to have already purchased a small game or preserve hunting license. They would also be required to purchase a habitat stamp, which is $10 for residents and $25 for nonresidents.
Additionally, if an individual would like to exercise their unrestricted license while party hunting, all members of the hunting party would be required to possess the unrestricted license.
Individuals can comment online at or mail comments to 523 E. Capitol Ave., Pierre, SD 57501.
To be included in the public record and to be considered by the commission, comments must include a full name and city of residence and meet the submission deadline of 72 hours before the public hearing (not including the day of the public hearing).
The next GFP Commission meeting will be held Sept. 2-3, tentatively at the Outdoor Campus West in Rapid City.
GFP Commission Proposes Changing Dates for the Elk License Raffle
PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) Commission proposed to move the drawing time period for the elk license raffle.
By rule, the department has the ability to offer an “any elk” license to a non-profit, wildlife-related organization to use as a raffle fundraiser.
“The reasoning behind this proposal is to allow additional opportunity for unsuccessful applicants from the regular elk hunting season drawings to purchase raffle tickets for this license,” said Chad Switzer, Wildlife Program Administrator. “We’ve worked with the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation to direct the proceeds from this raffle license for several years and it’s been a great collaboration. We have partnered on habitat projects on private and public lands, as well as research to learn more about the survival and habitat use of elk. This change would allow more time to sell raffle tickets and hold a successful fundraiser.”
Individuals can comment online at or mail comments to 523 E. Capitol Ave., Pierre, SD 57501.
To be included in the public record and to be considered by the commission, comments must include a full name and city of residence and meet the submission deadline of 72 hours before the public hearing (not including the day of the public hearing).
The next GFP Commission meeting will be held Sept. 2-3, tentatively at the Outdoor Campus West in Rapid City.
GFP Commission Proposes Expansion of Bobcat Season
PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) proposed to expand the bobcat trapping and hunting season to the entire state at their July meeting.
The commission also proposed to modify the East River season to run from Dec. 26 – Feb. 15, bringing the East and West River seasons into alignment.
Hunters or trappers east of the Missouri River would still be limited to one bobcat per season.
Individuals can comment online at or mail comments to 523 E. Capitol Ave., Pierre, SD 57501.
To be included in the public record and to be considered by the commission, comments must include a full name and city of residence and meet the submission deadline of 72 hours before the public hearing (not including the day of the public hearing).
The next GFP Commission meeting will be held Sept. 2-3, tentatively at the Outdoor Campus West in Rapid City.
GFP Commission Proposes Additional Missouri River Tailrace Spearfishing Opportunity
PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) Commission proposed to extend spearfishing for gamefish on the Missouri River at their July meeting.
The proposal would allow the spearing of gamefish on the Missouri River from the Nebraska/South Dakota border to the Ft. Randall Dam from May 1 – March 31. This would align with current gamefish spearfishing season dates below other Missouri River dams.
The commission also proposed to extend gamefish spearing hours to end one-half hour after sunset. This would allow for additional opportunity for gamefish spearing. Rough fish spearing is currently allowed 24 hours a day.
Individuals can comment online at or mail comments to 523 E. Capitol Ave., Pierre, SD 57501.
To be included in the public record and to be considered by the commission, comments must include a full name and city of residence and meet the submission deadline of 72 hours before the public hearing (not including the day of the public hearing).
The next GFP Commission meeting will be held Sept. 2-3, tentatively at the Outdoor Campus West in Rapid City.
GFP Commission Proposes Safety Signage and Marking Requirements for Aeration during Periods of Ice Cover
PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Game, Fish and Park (GFP) Commission proposed to require safety signage and marking of open water areas when aquatic aeration systems are being used on waters with public access during times of ice cover.
Aeration systems are used to prevent fish kills during the summer and winter, and to prevent ice from forming that may damage permanent docks or other structures anchored in the lakebed. Operation of aeration systems during the winter can cause significant public safety issues because they create open water and weakened ice conditions. Requiring signage would inform the public of potentially dangerous conditions.
Signs of highly visible size and design indicating “Danger Open Water,” clearly showing the location of the open water created by the aeration system, would need to be posted at all boat ramps and public access points any time the aeration system is in operation. Conspicuous markers, sufficient to notify the public of the location of the aeration system, would be placed around the open water area during periods of ice cover.
All signage would have to be removed by March 30.
Individuals can comment online at or mail comments to 523 E. Capitol Ave., Pierre, SD 57501.
To be included in the public record and to be considered by the commission, comments must include a full name and city of residence and meet the submission deadline of 72 hours before the public hearing (not including the day of the public hearing).
The next GFP Commission meeting will be held Sept. 2-3, tentatively at the Outdoor Campus West in Rapid City.
GFP Commission Proposes Changes to Aquatic Invasive Species Rules
PIERRE, S.D. – With the creation of new aquatic invasive species laws (AIS) during the 2020 Legislative Session, the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) Commission proposed the following rule changes at their July meeting:
1. Remove the prohibition in administrative rule on possessing, transporting, selling, purchasing, or propagating AIS from administrative rule. The new laws prohibit all of these activities.
2. Create an additional exemption for possession of AIS to allow an owner or agent of the owner of a conveyance to transport the conveyance for decontamination using a department-approved process.
3. Remove prohibitions in administrative rule on launching a boat or boat trailer into the waters of the state with AIS attached. The new law prohibit these activities.
4. Repeal the rule allowing for the creation of local boat registries. With the expansion of zebra mussels within the state, local boat registries are impractical.
5. Remove the exemption to the decontamination requirement for boats in a local boat registry in association with repealing the rule allowing the creation of registries.
6. Create a new rule to define the department-approved decontamination protocol.
7. Update the list of containment waters to include Pickerel, Waubay, North and South Rush, and Minnewasta Lakes.
Individuals can comment online at or mail comments to 523 E. Capitol Ave., Pierre, SD 57501.
To be included in the public record and to be considered by the commission, comments must include a full name and city of residence and meet the submission deadline of 72 hours before the public hearing (not including the day of the public hearing).
The next GFP Commission meeting will be held Sept. 2-3, tentatively at the Outdoor Campus West in Rapid City.
GFP Commission Proposes Electric Motors Only on Two Black Hills Waters; Trout Limit Change on Border Waters
PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Commission proposed to limit two waterbodies in the Black Hills to the use of electric motors only.
The city of Rapid City requested the commission limit boaters on Canyon Lake to electric motors and the United States Forest Service requested the same restriction on Bismarck Lake. These waters are utilized by kayakers and canoers and the regulation change would be for safety reasons.
The commission also proposed to change the trout daily limit from 7 to 5 on Nebraska/South Dakota border waters. This would align the daily limit with South Dakota inland and Nebraska border waters.
Individuals can comment online at or mail comments to 523 E. Capitol Ave., Pierre, SD 57501.
To be included in the public record and to be considered by the commission, comments must include a full name and city of residence and meet the submission deadline of 72 hours before the public hearing (not including the day of the public hearing).
The next GFP Commission meeting will be held Sept. 2-3, tentatively at the Outdoor Campus West in Rapid City