“Pink bill” passes South Dakota House on 68-1 vote
PIERRE, S.D.–Everything was in the pink in Pierre today (Wednesday), just in time for Valentine’s Day.
Dressed in a pink blazer, Republican Rep. Jessica Bahmuller from Alexandria spoke in favor of House Bill 1228, which would allow fluorescent pink as a safety color for hunters as well as blaze orange.
Bahmuller said some studies indicate that fluorescent pink does not appear in nature and is more visible to the human eye.
Republican Rep. Marty Overweg of New Holland, sporting a pink tie, decided to have some fun with the bill and its sponsor.
He asked Bahmuller if wearing pink would increase a hunter’s accuracy. Bahmuller said she didn’t know. Overweg said he would dress his granddaughters in pink and his grandsons in orange to tell better who made the shot.
Bahmuller said nine other states allow fluorescent pink for hunters.
All but one representative was tickled pink about the bill, and it passed 68 to 1.
The bill now goes to a Senate committee.