Watertown Winter Farm Show dedicated to Terry Fjeldheim  (Audio)

February 12, 2020
Mike Tanner

WATERTOWN, S.D.–The 75th annual Watertown Winter Farm Show got started Tuesday.

This year’s show is being dedicated to Terry Fjeldheim (second from right) , a regional vice president for Farm Credit Services of America, and a longtime member of the local ag committee of the Watertown Chamber of Commerce.

I asked him what it means to him to have the show dedicated to him this year….

He says the annual Farm Show means a lot to Watertown and the ag community……

Farmers are a resilient bunch, and they have to be. South Dakota saw more prevent plant acres in 2019 than any state in the country. Despite that, Fjeldheim says they need to think positively going into the 2020 spring planting season…. 

The Farm Show runs thru Saturday at the Codington County Extension Complex. Admission is free.