Watertown Plowing Schedule
The City of Watertown has received enough snow/ice to require plowing and sanding. Therefore, the Watertown Street Department has been (Saturday, November 30th, 2019 and Sunday, December 1st, 2019)
plowing & sanding Highways, Emergency Snow Routes, Willow Creek Drive, South Bypass, & Lake Kampeska area.
Starting at 3 PM, today, Sunday, December 1st, 2019, the Watertown Street Department will be plowing and sanding the Lake Kampeska area, the area south of Highway 212, & developments north
of 14th Ave. N. and east of 19th St. E.
Starting at 3 AM, on Monday, December 2nd, 2019 the Watertown Street Department will be plowing the Downtown Business District and continue into city Streets @ 6 AM. We will be using snow gates
in the area bound between Highway 212 to 14th Ave. N. and from 21st St. W. to 19th St. E. Downtown Business Owners: Please assist the Watertown Street Department by cleaning off your sidewalks
before 3 AM.
If you have any questions, please contact the Street Department at 882-6207.