Water rates could be going up in Watertown in 2020 (Audio)
November 14, 2019
Mike Tanner
KWAT Radio News
WATERTOWN, S.D.—Water could become more expensive in Watertown in 2020,
The Watertown Municipal Utilities (WMU) Board of Directors met this (Thursday) morning to discuss rates for natural gas, electricity and water for 2020.
Adam Karst is WMU’s Director of Administration…..
Karst explains how much that five-percent recommended increase will affect the bottom line of WMU customers….
Karst says the city of Watertown draws most of its water from nine wells at the Rauville well field, but also has the ability to draw water from 18 Sioux Conifer wells north of Lake Kampeska, and four additional wells in town.
The rate recommendations will get a formal up or down vote at a meeting on Tuesday November 26th. Whatever rates are approved take effect on January 1, 2020.
WMU is also planning a major capital expenditure for 2020. Director of Operations Bert Magstadt says the Gas Department will be adding an additional tap onto the TransCanada natural gas line about five miles south of Watertown.
He says that will alleviate constraints that the system has experienced on very cold days.
That’s a project that will cost about $4.5 million dollars.
The new tap is expected to be in service by October 2020.