UPDATE: Watertown City Council now favoring higher application fee for medical marijuana sellers (Audio)
September 7, 2021
Mike Tanner
WATERTOWN, S.D.–The Watertown City Council continued its debate Tuesday night on the rules and regulations for medical marijuana sales in the city.
The council passed a motion requiring a limit of three dispensaries that can sell medical cannabis with the city limits. The motion also included language that puts the application fee to sell it at $25,000, with an annual $25,000 renewal fee.
Councilman Mike Danforth favored a “go slow” approach on the number of dispensaries…
Councilman Dan Schutte also favored a dispensary limit of three…
Two earlier motions were defeated. One would have allowed an unlimited number of dispensaries, with a $25,000 application fee. That was defeated on a 4-3 vote.
A motion by Councilman Glen Vilhauer to limit the number of dispensaries to six was also rejected by a 6-1 margin.
At their meeting on September 20th, the council will hold a second and final reading of the ordinance approved Tuesday night.