South Dakota’s mask mandate bill heads to full Senate floor for debate (Audio)
February 4, 2021
PIERRE, S.D.–The South Dakota Senate will debate the merits of a statewide mask mandate. Senate Bill 125 survived a rocky road through the Senate Health and Services Committee despite all proponent testimony on the measure.
Senator Erin Tobin of Winner is opposed to a mask mandate…
Senator Red Dawn Foster of Pine Ridge says the topic didn’t have to go this far…
A motion to send the bill to the 41st legislative day failed on a four-to-three vote. Senator Blake Curd of Sioux Falls , who’s a doctor, move a “do pass” recommendation…
Curd’s do-pass motion failed on a 4-to-3 vote. A third motion, by Senator Mary Duvall of Pierre, to move the bill to the full Senate with no recommendation, passed on a 5-to-2 vote.