Ducks Unlimited needs your help to support NAWCA! As you may know, federal funds for conservation projects are awarded on a very competitive basis. We need you to let your Representative and Senators know how important this program is to the members and supporters of Ducks Unlimited. When you’re in the marsh, blind or field this season watching the birds come in, chances are the ducks and geese you see have benefited from one of the 30 million acres conserved through NAWCA.

Congress has consistently shown strong bipartisan support for NAWCA, and the deadline to submit appropriations requests is fast approaching. We are asking you to contact your Representative and Senators and urge them to join their colleagues in signing a letter to the Appropriations Committee in support of funding for NAWCA.

By voicing your support for this critical program, you will help ensure the future of waterfowl and waterfowl habitat for the next generation.