KWAT’s Outdoors Report for week of July 5, 2021

KWAT Outdoor
Report-Don Fjerstad
3 Buck Slough fair slow
Anderson Slough slow slow
Antelope Lake, Day Co. slow slow A few walleyes caught on S.W.end.
Baileys Lake -Clark Co. slow slow
Big Stone Lake fair good A good bite on Perch & a few walleyes caught.
Bitter Lake good slow The good walleye bite has continued on the lake
Blue Dog Lake fair
Brandt lake-Lake co. slow
Brush Lake By Volga slow slow
Bullhead-Deuel County fair slow A few walleyes caught in past week.
Casey’s Clark County slow slow Lake is rebuilding after a winter kill a few years ago.
Cattail Kettle Lake slow
Clear Lake – Deuel County fair slow A few walleyes & northerns from boat & shore.
Clear Lake-Hamlin County slow slow A lot of 12 to 13 inchers with a few 14 to 16 inchers.
Clear Lake-Roberts County slow slow Good smallmouth & walleye lake!
DRY LK.1 CLARK CO fair slow A few limits,13-15″ from boats,5-6ft along weed lines.
Dry Lake – Codington Co fair slow A few limits of 14 to16 inch walleyes thru out lake.
Dry Lake-2 Clark County fair slow A few limits,13-16 inchers.
Enemy Swim slow slow Good Bluegill lake.
Goose lake-Codington co. fair slow A few walleyes caught from boats in 14-20ft.
Grass Lake Codington co. slow slow
Hazelton – Day County slow slow
Highway 81 ponds slow slow A few walleyes caught.
Horseshoe,Day Co. slow slow Good smallmouth bass lake.
Hougie Slough, Day Co. slow slow
Indian Springs – Clark Co. fair slow A few 14 to 16 in.& bigger walleyes caught.
Lake Albert slow slow A few walleyes & notherns caught.
Lake Alice,Deuel Co. slow slow A few perch & walleyes caught.
Lake Campbell-Brookings slow slow A few catfish caught on stink baits & crawlers
Lake Cochrane-Deuel co. slow Largemouth bass & small panfish,great action for kids
Lake Hendricks slow slow
Lake Henry-Kingsbury slow slow
Lake Herman slow slow
Lake Jessie

Lake John & Lake Mary slow slow
Lake Kampeska fair slow A few walleyes,smallmouth bass & a few crappies.
Lake Lily N. of Bradley
Lake Madison slow slow Tough bite for walleyes.
Fish Lake,Deuel Co. slow slow Lake has nice walleyes in it!
Lake Norden slow slow
Lake Oliver Deuel Co slow
Lake Pelican slow slow Low fishing pressure on lake!
Lake Poinsett fair slow Walleye bite in the Prestrudes area & north.
Lake Thompson fair slow Some walleye limits caught in middle& thru out lake
Lake Traverse fair
Long lake-cod county slow slow Lake has a lot of Walleyes over 20 inches!
Lynn Lake slow slow Lake has a lot of Walleyes over 20 inches!

Missouri River-
Chamberlain fair

Missouri River-Pierre fair Main bite is south in the pocket area.
Missouri River-Whitlock


Limits of walleyes on bait&plugs in 14 to 20+ feet.

Minnewasta-Day co slow slow
Oakwood Lake-Brookings slow slow Lake is rebounding walleye numbers
Opitz-Marshall County fair slow A few 2-limits of walleyes.
Pepper Slough -Clark Co. slow slow Access limited!
Pickeral Lake slow slow Good bluegill bite on W & N.E.area good for kids!!
Piyas Lake N&E of
Webster slow slow

State access is open on s.w.end.North end needs tribal

Punished Woman,Cod. Co. slow
Rush lakes-Day co.(N & S) slow slow A few walleyes caught.
Reetz Slough Fair Some walleyes caught thru out lake 14-20+inches
Round Lake,Deuel Co. fair slow A few walleyes & Northerns caught.
Roy Lake slow slow Lake is rebounding with good bass &walleye numbers
Sinai Lake-Brookings Co. slow slow Lake has nice crappies & walleyes.
South Buffalo slow slow
Stink Lake-Codington Co. slow slow HIGH WATER AREA! Lake is many feet over full!
Spirit Lake-Kingsbury Co. slow slow Lake has keeper size walleyes in it.
Swan Lake, Clark Co. slow slow Good lake for Northerns & some walleyes or perch.
Waubay Lake fair fair Some limits of walleyes caught this week on S.E.end!
Whitewood-Kingsbury Co. slow slow
Wolf slough slow slow
Reed Lake,Clark Co. fair slow A few walleyes caught.
Clear S.Falls slow